Settle into working from home with these 6 tips!
- Monday April 27th 2020
- working from home, tips
There is no doubt that we are working in uncertain times. Business as “usual” consists of sleeping in past 7am, not catching public transport, working in sweatpants and zoom calls. For many, this new sense of “normal” is anything but.
Whilst some of you may be used to working from home and already have a set routine, this new territory for office workers will take time to get used to. With no confirmed end date, working from home has gone from days, to weeks and now turning into months. With this in mind, it is more important than ever to set yourself up for success and get the most out of your work day.
To help you, we’ve listed our top 6 tips to make the transition smoother and ease you into finding your groove!
- Set Up Your Work Space
Do not work in your bedroom. You wouldn’t sleep in your office building, so don’t sleep in your home office. This space should be treated as your relaxation destination and a place you can go to escape during the day. There aren’t many places you can whilst in isolation, so don’t make your bedroom become an overwhelming work zone. If you have a study or spare room this is ideal, otherwise the kitchen table works well too. If you don’t have any option but your bedroom, be sure to work a few hours of the day outside in your front or backyard for a change of scenery.
- Have A Morning Routine
A morning routine provides structure and allows us to set ourselves up for a successful day ahead. Of course everyone’s will be different, some like to eat a meal, others wake up with a coffee, some exercise/go for a walk and others like to sleep in. Whatever your routine is, there are some non-negotiables. Set an alarm at the same time each morning, drink a cup of water first thing (ideally eat something to), clean your teeth and change your clothes. You don’t have to put on heels and tight dresses or suites, but don’t stay in the clothes you slept in - start your day fresh. If you don’t exercise, a 5 minute stretch will do wonders, particularly since you aren’t going anywhere, is it important that you are moving your body in some way. YouTube some quick tutorials to follow along before you start your day!
- Stick To Your Hours
Now working from home might allow you some flexibility to the typical 9-5, 8 hour work day (within reason) but whatever hours you do decide, stick to them. Do not log on at 7am and stay logged on until 7pm and then jump back on to check something at 8pm. Allow your brain to switch off. There is a lot going on in the world right now and having a clear, healthy mind is important. To help with this, try writing a time specific, to-do-list to keep yourself accountable of your tasks throughout the day. This will allow you to keep track of what you need to get done and also provide a sense of accomplishment as you tick off each item.
- Take Regular Breaks
Two words – step away. It is so important, especially during a time of isolation, that we allow our minds adequate periods of rest and relaxation during the day. Eating your lunch in front of your computer is a big no no. Step outside for some much needed vitamin D and enjoy the fresh air. Also allow yourself to enjoy a 15-20 minute morning and afternoon tea/coffee break without thinking about work. Leave your work phone at your desk, don’t think about that email you need to send or stress about that unfinished project, just enjoy your time off.
- Stay In Touch With Colleagues
Remember Maddie and Bec? Yes they still exist! Although it may feel like all of a sudden you work alone and have no colleagues, they are still there and going through the same hard times as you. Although you can’t have the daily morning chat, usual office banter or lunch breaks together, this doesn’t mean the communication should stop. Check in and say good morning via Skype or email, schedule regular zoom calls to see one another and ask about their day, or perhaps Facetime during your lunch break and spend the time like you usually would! We are in this together and staying connected is key.
- Keep A Personal Work Log
When you’re stuck inside working from home, every day can feel a bit like ground hog day. Monday blends with Tuesday, Wednesday seems like Friday and it’s all a bit all over the shop. Keeping a personal work log of things you’ve achieved or completed each day will help to remind yourself of the work you’ve been doing and provide a much needed boost when you’re feel unaccomplished. We all know that feel when we get to the end of the day or even week and can’t remember what we did or where the time went. Writing a diary will help.
Remember – You are not alone. There are thousands of people in your position and it’s ok to feel uneasy, unsettles and unsure. Putting in place the above steps when working from home will hopefully provide a good place to start or perhaps allow you to restructure if you’re current set up isn’t working. Please stay safe, take care and keep a positive outlook! You got this!