Latest News

- Thursday January 2nd 2020
Due to the extreme weather and fire conditions forecast on Saturday 4th January 2020, Illawarra Fly Treetop Adventures will be closed. The Rural Fire Service has advised to close the treetop walk and Zipline to ensure the safety of all our staff, guests and families.

- Thursday December 19th 2019
- emergency services, thank you
Emergency service families swap city smoke for a free rainforest retreat at Illawarra Fly
Emergency service families swap city smoke for a free rainforest retreat at Illawarra Fly.

- Monday December 2nd 2019
- Family fun, kids activities
To kick of the festive season we are having KIDS GO FREE this weekend! Both Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th, children can enter Illawarra Fly Treetop Walk for free with every paying Adult ticket.

- Tuesday November 26th 2019
- school holidays, Family fun
The Gruffalo Spotters Trail with Summer Storytime
Visit Illawarra Fly these school holidays, and experience The Gruffalo Spotters Trail with Summer Storytime, taking your Gruffalo escapade to the next level!

- Thursday November 21st 2019
- Explore the region
Digital Detox Weekend on the South Coast? Here’s How!
Get out behind those screens. These digital detox tips will inspire you to get active, relax, and connect with family and friends again.