Free resources for fun learning!
To assist you and your students learning at Illawarra Fly, we've provided the below resources for FREE to ensure you get the most out of your visit.
The workbooks can be completed on the day or back at your school after the excursion - we'll leave it up to you!

Introducing our NEW Indigenous Booklet, learn about the land Illawarra Fly Treetop Adventure sits on, all the local flora and fauna, and the animals that are native to this environment.

Rain Dance Maker Craft Activity
To celebrate NAIDOC week, we have for you a gun Rain Dance Maker craft activity to download. To help you learn all about the special connection Indigenous Australians have with the land.
Download Here

National Recycling Week
Our National Recycling Week resource aims to help all Australians take waste and recycling issues into their own hands. Find out more about how you can make a difference!
Download Here

Illawarra Fly Treetop Adventures recognises that our most important asset is the sustainability of the forest and how we present that in a unique way to our visitors.
The beauty and majesty of the rainforest remains paramount to the ongoing success of the Illawarra Fly. With an ongoing commitment to environmental sustainability through its day to day operations and the long term operation of the treetop walk. This commitment values the importance of the natural habitat from concept of design through to operation. The design of the treetop walk was based on the use of existing logging tracks within the forest both for the final alignment and access for construction.
This ensured that all construction for the treetop walk could be undertaken without the clearing of native vegetation. Many of our visitors are surprised when they hear that the Fly was built by cranes using the existing tracks. Guests continually comment in regard to the minimal impact the treetop walk has had on the forest. Support facilities for the attractions are located nearby the visitor centre including water supply, sewage holding tanks, maintenance sheds, access tracks and car parking have all been located so as to ensure that no native vegetation clearing was required and so that buildings were not focal points for our visitors.
Our Zipline course was built with the same vision of keeping the native environment as untouched as possible as it was built with no trees knocked down. The course engineering itself allows the trees to continue to grow while our ‘cloud stations’ are attached. Thought down to the finest detail even whereby there is a corridor left for wildlife to be able to travel up and down the trunks past the cloud stations.
Improvements to how we treat our waste and implementation of recycling have been introduced. Separation of cardboard, plastics, cans, glass, organic and general waste is now occurring and appropriate pick up services taking place. Organic waste produced by the kitchen being used as compost in garden bed areas for some smaller plants.
For more information please email or call (02) 4885 1078.
School Excursion Enquiry Form Here